Theme : Unspoken Sins.Relationship
Type : Fine Art Photography

One : The Heart of Onyx
(Sin of Seduction)

In this world of seduction, the heart morphs into a precious stone of blackness – the onyx. Do we care about this darkness within us?

This photographs depicts a lady adorned in blood red lipstick and top , which symbolizes the world of seduction. However, her face looks away from her heart in indifference, but her looking away also shows an unwillingness to face her heart.. Her fingers are positioned into the shape of a heart – but the irony is that the heart is not one which shows love, but one that is onyx-black.

Do we dare to travel to our heart of darkness?

Two : The Blade of Infidelity
(Sin of Infidelity)

The eyes of the wife sees only the adulterous couple right before her eyes – hence, the reflection onto the knife. The colour, green, casts an emotion of envy onto her; but the lack of smile and the wielding of the knife hints of the impending action of revenge. Afterall, in the Middle Ages, the colour, green, was associated with calamity and evil.

Three : The Masquerade of Countenance
(Sin of Pretense)

Do you wear a mask of pretence on your face?

The “masquerade” is associated with the carnival – the smile on the mask mocks that pretence of merry when juxtaposed with the face of anonymity behind the mask.

Do we dare to take off that mask and reveal the plain, raw face our ours?

I would rate this assignment 95/100. (50 for creativity and 45 for effort)